Cyber Security Awareness

Knowing the risks to avoid them

Secure your employees' training

Employees are the weakest link in information and data security. They know what your organization is planning and have access to sensitive information, but they do not have sufficient sensitivity regarding the safe use of technological tools, such as PC and Mobile. For a company, having its employees trained in Cyber Security is the most important insurance for its protection.

To mitigate the risk, LegalLAB specialists offer periodic (4 annual sessions) training on Cyber Security, which is webinar-based and suitable for all employees in the organization, whether it is their first exposure to security awareness or they have already practiced some of its concepts.

The training covers several areas, such as Phishing, Social Media, Privacy and GDPR, Mobile and App, USB Memory, E-mail Security.

Along with the training, you can purchase the simulation of phishing attacks package to verify that your employees have mastered the Webinar correctly.

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